How Much Biotin Is Good for Hair Growth?



In the past few years, biotin has earned quite the reputation of being the magic substance that is making hair grow back on balding scalps and it’s not an exaggeration. Biotin truly has helped immensely with hair growth, in many cases better than the chemicals synthesized in laboratories to correct receding hairlines and give you low libido. 

Biotin is natural, safe, and effective. A vitamin that your body is already familiar with and produces on its own to keep the growth going, it is one of the key vital nutrients in hair regrowth and hair health. Today, a ton of products including biotin spray for hair growth are formulated using this vitamin. 

While that is great news and is giving people struggling with bad cases of hair loss hope, it has also led to a subset of questions. One of the questions that has become the common question about aspiring biotin hair care users is how much biotin is required to have healthy hair growth. 

Obviously, there is no one answer to this question that fits all. It varies from one person to the next, depending on whether they are biotin deficient or not and if so, how much is the deficiency.  

Biotin and Hair Growth 

Biotin, also called B7 is an essential nutrient that is found in a lot of foods. There is a healthy amount of biotin in a lot of protein-based foods like eggs and salmons. Biotin is also found in rich quantities in vegetables and fruits like avocado, cucumber and cauliflower. 

Because biotin is found in a large number of natural foods, it is not common to have a biotin deficiency. However, it has been found in people going through bad phases of hair fall and poor hair regrowth that are not genetically caused and are sometimes caused due to low biotin. Hair growth can be supplemented with biotin shampoo and biotin conditioner which are helpful in tackling the hair-related symptoms of biotin insufficiency. 

So how does biotin work to make hair thicker and stronger? Biotin is a vitamin that gives hair health and a growth spurt which are often lacking in people with low biotin levels. It is a nutrient proven to make hair visibly stronger and healthier. 

When your hair strands are thicker it works up your volume. It gives your hair volume and makes it appear thicker. Thicker hair is less likely to be brittle. That automatically contributes to protecting hair length. 

How Much Biotin Is Required for Good Hair Growth?

Now coming to the question that everyone’s been asking, how much biotin is good for hair growth, there is only one answer that suits everybody and that is the normal level. So, if you are going through a bad phase of hair loss and unexplained hair thinning, it’s best to visit a doctor and ask them to check your biotin levels. If it’s acceptably low, they will recommend you to use hair care products from brands like the Biotin Xtreme Hair Care. If it’s considerably low, they will put you on a biotin supplement for some time.

Biotin Xtreme Hair Care has a long line of great hair care products that help fight hair loss, hair thinning and hair breakage. 

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