How To Keep Your Hair System Soft

For most people, they want their hair to be soft and shiny all the time. When it comes to softness, in particular, nobody wants their hair to feel hard, dry or have some weird texture. To know how to keep your toupee hair system soft, it’s important that you know what keeps your hair soft in the first place, which is sebum.
What Is Sebum?
Sebum is a substance with an oily and waxy texture that is produced by the body’s sebaceous glands. These glands are mostly found connected to your hair follicles where sebum is deposited and brought to the surface of the skin. So what does this sebum substance do? It usually helps with keeping your natural hair follicles strong, soft and hydrated.
Now with the hair on your human hair replacement system for men, the problem is it doesn’t get the same benefits of having this sebum coating as it’s attached to a base material as opposed to your scalp. That’s not to say there is no sebum at all. Whenever you order a new hair system, there’s always likely going to be a little sebum remaining on each hair follicle. But with that said, the more you wear your hair system, the more this sebum disappears and your hair will start to no longer be soft and instead, be brittle and dry.
How To Keep Your Hair System Softer For Longer Periods
Keeping a soft head of hair is a problem even people who don’t suffer from hair loss have to deal with. And it’s even more so the case for hair replacement system wearers because as aforementioned, there is no new sebum being produced within your base material. However, we are providing some tips to follow and not to follow in order to keep your hairpiece soft for as long as possible and not end up straw-like or dry.
Things To Avoid:
- Excessive shampoo use
- Swimming and prolonged chlorine exposure
- Over blow drying your hair with high temperatures
Things To Follow:
- Use of a leave-in conditioner
- Hair products with sunscreen
- Use of a heat protectant spray
- Air drying your hair or blow drying your hair with no heat
By now, you should know that what keeps your hair soft is sebum and why your hair system for men is lacking the softness of your real hair — because the base material, whether it’s a French lace, Swiss lace or poly skin — does not produce any sebum. You will also know the dos and don’ts of hair systems so you can keep yours soft for as long as possible.
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