Clothing repairs specialist in London

The amount of wasted clothes that end up in landfills is shocking, especially when many clothing items carry slight damage, such as holes that can easily be repaired with the right help.
Just because you snagged your silk shirt or caught your coat sleeve on a door handle and got a torn seam doesn’t mean it needs to be thrown away. You can save your favourite outfits from the bin and help to support sustainable fashion by mending your clothes instead.
The American Dry Cleaning Company has local branches all over London that offer a specialist clothing repair service where you can have almost all damage to your clothes repaired.
For moth holes and other minor damage, our repair team can do invisible mending. This is a technique where matching threads are taken from different areas of the garment, such as from a seam, and is carefully threaded through the damaged area to replace the broken threads.
Garment repairs can save you money
Our teams of clothing repair specialists in London can save you a lot of time, hassle and money by repairing your clothes. By having your clothes mended, you will be helping to reduce the UK’s annual £140 million worth of clothing going to the landfill.
You won’t need to take time out of your busy day to go shopping for a replacement outfit, and the cost of the repair can often be far cheaper than the cost of a brand new outfit. Did you know that that extending the life of a garment by an extra nine months reduces its environmental impact by 20 to 30%?
With the average lifespan of an item of clothing only being 2.2 years, the American Dry Cleaning Company are on a mission to reduce waste and help our customers to keep their clothes looking good and feeling comfortable for longer.
Much of the waste clothing going to a landfill can be saved by repairs that our skilled in-house garment care teams can do for you. The next time you notice a hole, tear or snag in an item of your clothing, instead of throwing it away, bring it into your nearest branch for us to look at.
Choosing quality over quantity
Even though buying more high-quality wardrobe staples can seem expensive initially, by working with our clothing repair specialists in London, you can make your stylish clothes last a lifetime.
Being able to go somewhere local in London where you can get your clothes repaired is so convenient, and it can save you from throwing away a garment when it gets damaged.
Clothing repair isn’t just a handy skill to easily access; it is also a way to cherish the clothes you have and hold on to the many happy memories and experiences you have had while wearing them.
Fashions come and go, but style is timeless. We can help you maintain your wardrobe and continue to wear the clothes you love without worrying about fixing any damage they sustain by yourself.
We have the right staff with years of knowledge and skill, as well as the right professional tools and equipment to repair your clothes and keep them looking good for longer.
Do not hesitate to bring a damaged item of clothing to your nearest branch of American Dry Cleaning Company to see how our clothing repair team can help you.