What Are the Different Types of Walking Canes That Exist Today?


There are millions of Americans who rely on walking canes to help them get around every day. One recent study revealed that about 16% of senior citizens use canes on a regular basis.

But it’s worth noting that not all walking canes are created equal. There are many different types of walking canes that people can turn to when they need a little bit of extra help maintaining their balance while moving around.

If you recently learned that you’re going to need to invest in a cane, you should look for the best walking cane for your specific condition. The right walking cane type will make it so much easier for you to get from point A to point B.

Continue reading to find out more about some of the most popular types of walking canes on the market today. It should help you choose the proper walking cane style.

“C” Cane

When you close your eyes and picture a cane in your head, there is a good chance that the “C” cane is what comes to mind. It’s one of the most basic types of walking canes out there today.

A “C” cane earned its name thanks to the “C” cane handle that is found on it. It’s a walking cane that doesn’t feature many bells and whistles like some other canes.

If you don’t need much assistance when it comes to keeping your balance, a “C” cane is going to be just fine for you. You can typically find these types of walking canes in most pharmacies, and they shouldn’t set you back too much in terms of cost.

Functional Grip Crane

When you first start to use a cane to keep your balance while you’re walking around, a “C” cane should get the job done. But if you begin having to put more weight on your cane, you’re going to want to move up to a functional grip cane.

Functional grip canes are a lot like “C” canes in that they’re straight canes that offer up just a little bit of support. But the things that set them apart from “C” canes are the advanced grips found on them. They will set you up with more control over your cane and allow you to maintain better balance overall.

You might be able to find a functional grip crane for yourself in stores. But you might also want to speak with your doctor about ordering a specialty cane that is customized for you.

Folding Cane

Carrying a cane around can make walking so much easier than it would be otherwise. But a cane can also be a nuisance when you sit down and have to find a place to put it.

With this in mind, you might be interested in buying a folding cane. A folding cane is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It’s a cane that you can fold up when you don’t need to use it so that you can store it and get it out of the way.

You should be able to track down both folding “C” canes and folding functional grip cranes. They’re a great choice for those who are always fidgeting when their canes when they don’t need to use them and looking for a solution for this.

Quad Cane

At some point, you might find that you need a cane that can provide you with a lot more support than the canes that we’ve already discussed. You’ll be happy to know that there are other types of walking canes that can provide you with the support that you’re looking for.

A quad walking cane is one of the best options for those who need some extra support when they’re walking around. These types of walking canes have a large rectangular base that is designed to give you all the support you could ever want and need.

You aren’t going to have to worry about losing your balance when you have a quad cane by your side. You also won’t have to worry about setting it against anything when you’re not utilizing it since it will stand up on its own.

Seat Cane

Do you get tired very easily and have to sit down early and often? If so, you know how frustrating it can be trying to track down a seat in some places.

Fortunately, there is a cane that can solve this dilemma for you. It’s called a seat cane, and as its name would suggest, it’s a cane that you can transform into a seat without any problems at all.

It has a seat attached to it that you can simply fold out whenever you need to sit down and take it easy for a little while. You’ll love how convenient it is when you’re in desperate need of a quick break.

Fashionable Cane

Most canes are about as far from being fashion accessories as they can get. Canes are very functional by nature, but they don’t always have the most aesthetically pleasing designs.

But you should know that there are some fashionable canes in existence that can serve as the perfect accessories for you. This bedazzled cane is an excellent example of this. You’ll turn more than a few heads with a cane like this in your hands.

Which of These Types of Walking Canes Would Be Your Best Option?

As you can see, you’re going to be able to choose from a bunch of different types of walking canes when you start using a cane. You should think about how you plan on utilizing a cane and then pick the kind of cane that will meet your needs.

You might also want to buy a few different types of walking canes for different occasions. You can use one for going to the grocery store, another one for taking walks through the park, and a third one for your big nights out. These canes will be well worth the investment that you’ll make in them.

Check out some of the other accessories that you can buy to make your life a little easier by browsing through the rest of the articles posted on our blog.

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