Important Details about Pool Chemicals for Maintenance


Using the right chemicals for pool maintenance can help prevent illness, irritation, and a lot more. When it comes to summer fun, the focal point is the existence of crystal-clear swimming pools. It’s more likely that you don’t think about the chemicals that go into pools more than you think about getting a tan. Chlorine may be the only one among the pool chemicals you are familiar with.

How Important They Are

The CDC calls your pool’s chlorine and pH level the disinfection team. These two are known as the first defense against illness-causing bacteria and germs. Chlorine does not take effect rights away. Its effectiveness is also reduced by skin cells, dirt, fecal matter, and sunlight.

On the other hand, the pH level tells you how acidic or basic the pool water is. When the water has a high pH level, it makes it hard for chlorine to kill germs. One other thing you have to bear in mind is that your body must have a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8. When the pH level is not within this range, it can irritate your eyes and skin.

Chemicals to Add to the Pool Water

The following are some chemicals that can be added to the pool to ensure that it is clean and clear. Remember that when pool chemicalsare added, the powder must be added to the water and not the other way around. The slightest amount of water that can get added to the chemicals may cause chemical wetting. This may result in a dangerous reaction and combustibility.


These are known for adjusting water parameters such as hardness, alkalinity, pH, and stabilizer, meant to protect pool surfaces and equipment. They may also bring pool comfort to all swimmers.


The best example of a sanitizer is chlorine, which is known to kill bacteria and prevent the growth of pool algae. You may add chlorinating tablets or granules every week to ensure that you have a clean and clear pool. When you have a salt pool, you have to add high-purity pool salt together with chlorine products.

Pool Shock

This chemical is intended to solve some common pool issues and also for maintenance. This multipurpose pool chemical boosts the sanitizer in your pool water to make sure that bacteria, algae, and organic contaminants are destroyed. This can be applied weekly as part of the maintenance routine.


Algaecides are known to eradicate and prevent algae from growing in your pool. Pool algae can vary. This is why you must determine the type of pool algae before you apply a particular algaecide.

Solutions and Treatments

If you have to treat or prevent specific pool problems such as stains or cloudy water, you must use high-quality corrective products.

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