Conquer Back and Neck Pain by Investing in Adjustable Desks at your Workplace


Do you have a 9 to 5 job that wants you to sit in front of your system almost all day? Is that giving you pain in your back and neck region? You are not alone. Prolonged sitting can put pressure on your vertebrae and cause multitude of conditions including scoliosis resulting in severe back and neck pain.

Incorrect chair positioning and absence of backrest is the number one cause of several back conditions. This is why height adjustable desks are gaining so much popularity nowadays as adjustable workstations claim to provide the much needed relief to painful back.

You can visit EZ Shopper and browse height adjustable desks for commercial as well as home use. Their impressive range of electric adjustable desks is pretty well priced * * anchor and yet you get the assurance of quality similar to many premium brands. They offer a great customer support team that works 24*7 to ensure fastest and smoothest doorstep delivery of your products at zero to minimal extra charges.

How does an adjustable desk work to prevent back pain?

Although most offices throughout the world lack an ergonomic environment that is very essential for providing correct posture to our body while we work even the ergonomic chairs providing the right posture can do a little if there is lack of body movement for extended hours.

This is where adjustable desks come into the scenario that allows us to sit and stand at work periodically to allow the much-needed movement that is essential to keep our back bone in optimal health.

When adjustable desks are combined with ergonomic chairs, it can create the right balance that anyone need while working for long hours without straining our spine.

Some of the features of adjustable desks that give us much needed relief that we must provide our bodies owing to prolonged sitting are:

  • Comes with a simple button to allow easy switching between sitting and standing postures.
  • Adjustable height system that allows the user to work while standing. This allows us to stretch our arms, neck, back, and legs at periodic intervals.
  • The adjustable height allows us to stand and work without arching our back and at the same time it ensures that the elbows are at 90 degree angle to the desk and monitor screen is at eye level.

Benefits of adjustable desks

  • Alternating between sitting and standing increases productivity by almost 45% as shown by a study.
  • Periodic switching and body movements reduce the chances of occurrence of body pains especially back and neck pain by 54%.
  •  It definitely is an expensive investment but greatly reduces future expenses.
  • This is because of the reduction in the cost of expensive treatment needed for back pain and also lowering absenteeism among employees.
  • Prolonged sitting can also cause weight gain and lifestyle related disorders such as diabetes, thus periodic movement can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by almost 22%.

ADA recommends that one not sit for more than 30 minutes at a single stretch. If you follow this advice even on busy work days, adjustable desks is the only solution. These desks can allow you to stand and even move a little while not wasting any minute of your working hours.

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