A Fashion Forward Guide to the Different Types of Necklines for Men

While men have long held the stereotypical idea that women are excessively obsessed with fashion, some introspection may be in order. Studies by major retailers show that the average man spends 43% more on clothes each month than women do.
This is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of! Fashion is an important way to express yourself and project a well-maintained and careful image to the world.
Shirt necklines are one of the first things that you need to think about when selecting an outfit. Read on to learn about the most popular types of necklines for men so that you can choose the shirts that best fit your needs.
Crew Necks
Crew neck shirts are a staple for tees. These necklines, also known as ’round necks,’ are the most common type of t-shirt necklines. They’re a classic that everyone is familiar with.
This is in part because crew necks go with any style. They’re casual and look great with jeans, khakis, and more. They’re perfect for all casual settings because they aren’t too revealing or too sloppy.
Crew necks aren’t just perfect for wearing on their own, but they also are ideal for those who want to layer. They’re extremely versatile and look great with denim jackets, pashmina scarves, and leather outerwear. There isn’t a single guy out there who doesn’t look great when sporting this neckline type.
However, there’s one downside to crew necks: they stretch and distort over time. Luckily, retailers like Jasper Holland have created tighter, snugger necklines out of high-quality materials that won’t have this problem. If you want something better than standard materials, this is the way to go.
Scoop Necks
Scoop neck tees are often confused with crew necks, but they’re actually very different. These shirts go deeper and have a wider shoulder width. They’re ideal for guys who are broader in the shoulders and have larger chests.
However, scoop necks really do look great on any body type. If you’re smaller but comfortable showing off a bit more skin, a scoop neck is a happy medium between a high crew neckline and lower, deeper alternatives.
There are also deep scoop necks, which are very similar to classic alternatives but simply go even deeper down the chest. These shirts are ideal for men who want to show off some skin after hitting the gym. If you’re confident in your body, wearing these styles is sure to make you feel attractive, self-assured, and ready for an awesome day (or night) out.
Looking to go the extra mile and show off some skin? V-neck tees might be the right choice. True to their name, these styles have necklines made up of straighter lines that meet in the middle, hence their V-shape.
V-necks are ideal for poised and confident men that want people to know how much pride they have in their appearance. They’re flashy, interesting, and unique since many men don’t have the guts to boast a V.
Another reason that men might wear V-necks is that he’s a necklace guy. While crew necks and scoop necks will detract from the appeal of these accessories, V-necked shirts will completely frame a necklace and make it pop. Just make sure that you either adjust the chain or get something that fits snugly within the V for the best possible aesthetic.
Like scoop-necked shirts, you can also get V-necks in even deeper styles. These are ideal for nights out at clubs and bars. They also are perfect if you want to show off multiple long necklaces in casual settings (or tattoos that you have lower on your chest).
Collared Shirts and Button-Ups
Button-ups are awesome for both men and women on all occasions. Many guys reserve them for more professional and semi-casual settings. This makes sense since they’re perfect for pairing with blazers and khakis.
However, button-ups and their collared necklines are becoming more popular even in situations where you aren’t putting a tie around your neckline. They’re creeping into casual territory. In fact, classic button-ups are bound to be a staple of fall fashion both in 2021 and in the years to come.
You can get these in many styles and prints. Polka dots never go out of style and neither do solid colors. However, you can also get fun patterns on flannel button-downs such as food prints, small flowers, and stars.
The possibilities are limitless, so have fun and experiment with new styles!
Polo Necklines
Do you want the collared neckline of button-ups but with none of the perceived formality? Polo shirts are a fun and preppy way to show off your good taste. These necklines do tend to be higher than those on collared button-downs, so you might want to pop the top one to continue looking your best.
Polo necklines are also appealing because they’re made from heavy materials. They aren’t going to stretch even if you wear them a lot.
Polos look awesome with jeans and sneakers, but they don’t make for very good layering material. Keep this in mind if you’re a man who wants to combine multiple neckline styles at once. You can’t wear a V-neck sweater vest over a polo as you can with a crew-cut tee.
More Fashion-Forward Advice
Choosing the best neckline for your individual style may sound like a challenge, but it’s also a lot of fun. Plus, once you have the perfect top to suit your personal tastes, you can have an awesome time experimenting with your new wardrobe and outfits.
Now that you know the types of necklines for all occasions, it’s time to learn more fashion and style tips for men. Check out the ‘clothing’ tab on our website for more ideas on how to style your men’s shirts today.