A Complete Guide to Lip Reduction Surgery
Did you know that over 200,000 Americans get liposuction each year? That’s the fourth-biggest procedure in the USA today. And a big part of that is lip reduction surgery.
Suppose it’s something you’ve been considering. Then keep reading because we’ve got all the info you’ll need to help you decide if lip reduction is right for you! Or you want more information on how lip reduction surgery works.
What’s Involved in Lip Reduction Surgery?
Lip reduction surgery is a form of liposuction or suction lipectomy. It’s also one of the most effective forms of cosmetic surgery.
#The goal of this cosmetic treatment is to remove excess fat from these areas. In doing so, the aim is to create a more attractive appearance.
Different Types of Lip Reduction Surgery
There are two types of lip reduction: partial and complete. Partial lip reduction involves removing only the amount of skin that needs removing. In contrast, total lip reduction removes the fatty tissues beneath your skin.
Both procedures can result in significant changes to how you look. For example, after undergoing either procedure, patients may notice their lips appear thinner. They will also have less fullness around their mouth area.
Different Methods of Lip Reduction Surgery
There are two methods used in reducing lip size. These are local fat removal and global fat removal.
Here they are in more detail:
Local Fat Removal
The most common method used by surgeons today is local fat removal. LFR uses small incisions on each side of the face where the surgeon makes several tiny cuts into the skin. These incisions allow the doctor to access the underlying layer of fat cells.
Once inside the patient’s body, the surgeon then pulls out the unwanted fats using special tools. Afterward, he closes up the wounds with stitches.
Global Fat Removal
Another way to reduce lip size is through what’s known as “global fat removal.” GFR works like localized fat removal, but instead, it involves one large incision.
The surgeon separates the layers of skin and muscle, reaching subcutaneous fat underneath. They then remove the fat using specialized instruments. Finally, the wound’s closed again with sutures.
Why Do People Get Lip Reduction Surgery?
There are many reasons why people choose to have lip reduction surgery performed on them. Some patients want to improve their physical appearance by removing bulges and bumps. Others may wish to reduce the size of certain parts of their face to appear more youthful and appealing.
Gender Variability
For those with dysmorphia or transitioning, having outstanding facial features is a must. It supports not only their physical health but also their mental health and wellbeing. So for those with oversized lips, reduction surgery is ideal.
Also, there are many cosmetic treatments available that aim to enhance these areas. These include Botox injections, fillers, laser resurfacing, or dental implants. Often these happen afterward to fine-tune any cosmetic differences from the original surgery.
Dental Bone Structure
For those with irregular bone structure in the jaw area, misshapen lips can be harmful. In particular for their self-confidence or mental health.
So if this is your case, it would make sense to consider getting some form of corrective treatment. could include orthodontics, dentistry, or even implantation of artificial teeth.
Vascular Conditions
Whether through injury or natural causes, vascular conditions cause lip swelling. In extreme cases, this swelling can lead to permanent damage to the tissue around the mouth. For example, an ulcerated condition often leaves behind scars affecting lip shape.
Suppose you notice any unusual changes in the color or texture of your lips. Consult your dentist immediately.
Scarring and Injury
If you have ever had a serious injury, scarred tissue likely remains beneath your lip surface. These scars can grow over time and become quite noticeable when compared to other parts of your face.
The best solution here is to get rid of the damaged tissue. In most cases, this happens through lip reduction surgery. But you may need to seek other advice first, such as a dentist if the issue is orthodontic.
Risks and Complications of Lip Reduction Surgery
Both forms of lip reduction surgery carry risks. But there are fewer associated complications with the latter.
This technique does not involve cutting any nerves or blood vessels, making it safer. Taking precautions against infections is a must, so follow hygiene guidelines with care.
People who smoke cigarettes run a higher risk of developing infections during recovery. Try and reduce your cigarette intake before undergoing lip reduction surgery. Also, you should avoid drinking alcohol for 24 hours beforehand.
Aftercare Following Lip Reduction Surgery
Following lip size reduction surgery, you will likely experience swelling and bruising at first. Swelling usually goes down within three days. Yet, some minor bleeding from the surgical site could last longer.
The amount of time required for healing depends on many factors. These include the type of anesthesia administered and whether you have pain medication.
Most doctors recommend keeping an eye on the wound for about 10-14 days. During this period, you should be careful not to touch the scarred areas too much. Doing so could lead to further damage.
Find the Right Lip Reduction Surgeon for You
Now you’re armed with a wealth of information to help you succeed. Consult with many lip reduction surgery professionals to get the best advice. The average lip reduction surgery cost is around $2,000 as a reference.
A good surgeon will consult with respect to make sure you get the smile you deserve. With that, you can start Googling “Lip reduction surgery near me!” and find the right surgeon for you!
Keep reading our content for more top tips that will get your lips moving and smiling once more!